Sole Exercise Bikes


Beyond the captivating allure of virtual cycling, exercise bikes offer numerous health benefits that meet individual fitness goals. Exercise bikes are designed to provide you with a low-impact, yet highly effective cardiovascular workout, suitable for individuals of all fitness levels. Sole Fitness elevates your fitness experience to a new level with their Sole exercise bikes, featuring high-quality construction, cutting-edge technology, and splendid performance. Sole exercise bikes provide a natural cycling feel that closely mimics outdoor riding. Sole's extensive range of exercise bikes, including the popular Sole recumbent bike and spin bikes, caters to various fitness levels and workout preferences.

The Sole R92 recumbent bike offers exceptional comfort and support, making it ideal for users with back or joint issues. Its ergonomic design includes a padded, adjustable seat and backrest, ensuring a relaxed yet effective workout. The Sole R92 boasts a smooth, quiet ride thanks to its magnetic resistance system and heavy-duty flywheel. With 20 resistance levels and ten pre-programmed workouts, the Sole R92 allows for customized, goal-oriented workouts for users of all fitness levels.

The Sole SB700 spin bike takes your indoor cycling experience to new heights. This spin bike features a sturdy frame, a 48-pound flywheel, and a whisper-quiet belt drive system. The Sole SB700 comes with an adjustable seat and handlebars, accommodating users of different heights and ensuring a comfortable ride. The integrated console tracks essential workout metrics like speed, distance, time, and calories burned, helping you stay motivated and achieve your fitness goals. Sole exercise bikes, including the Sole R92, Sole SB700, and other stationary bike models, provide a superior fitness experience that combines comfort, durability, and performance.

Sole Fitness transforms your home fitness experience with its exceptional treadmill range, offering state-of-the-art technology and unmatched quality for all levels of fitness enthusiasts. Sole Fitness has built a reputation for producing treadmills that are sturdy, reliable, and packed with user-friendly features, ensuring an effective workout experience. What sets Sole apart is their meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that each product is equipped with cutting-edge features, durable materials, and ergonomic designs. Sole treadmills are designed to endure and offer a dependable and durable fitness option that remains effective for an extended period.

One of the unique aspects of Sole treadmills is their commitment to prioritising user comfort and safety. With an advanced cushioning system and generously sized running surfaces, Sole treadmills minimize the impact on joints, offering a smoother experience. Sole treadmills boast an array of user-friendly features, including intuitive consoles, customizable workout programmes, and heart rate monitoring capabilities. These features empower the users to track their progress and tailor their exercise routines to align with their specific fitness goals. The standout Sole F80 treadmill, in particular, has been praised for its performance, durability, and easy-to-use design. With the Sole F80 and other Sole treadmill models, you can enjoy a premium running machine experience that caters to your unique fitness needs and goals.

Frequently Asked Questions


Recumbent bikes and spin bikes are two different types of exercise bikes, each offering unique benefits. Recumbent bikes are designed with a reclined seating position, providing exceptional support for the lower back and reducing strain on the joints. They feature a larger, cushioned seat and a backrest, ensuring a comfortable workout experience. This design makes recumbent bikes an ideal choice for individuals with mobility issues, joint concerns, or those recovering from injuries. The workouts on recumbent bikes focus on how to moderate intensity while targeting cardiovascular health and lower body strength.

Spin bikes, on the other hand, closely resemble outdoor road bikes and are designed for high-intensity workouts. They have a more compact design with an upright cycling position, allowing users to engage their core and upper body muscles during workouts. Spin bikes often come with a heavy flywheel, providing a smooth and realistic cycling experience. They are best suited for individuals seeking a challenging workout that simulates outdoor cycling, including high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and hill climbing exercises.


Sole exercise bikes are a popular choice for home fitness enthusiasts looking for high-quality, durable equipment. Among the most popular ones are the Sole R92 recumbent bike and the Sole SB700 indoor cycling bike.

The Sole R92 recumbent bike offers a comfortable, low-impact workout experience perfect for users of all ages and fitness levels. It has a strong frame, a padded seat that is adjustable, and an ergonomic design to ensure a comfortable riding position. The Sole R92 comes with a 9-inch LCD console, 20 levels of magnetic resistance, and ten pre-programmed workouts, allowing users to tailor their exercise sessions according to their needs. To improve the whole workout experience, the bike also includes speakers, a cooling fan, and an integrated heart rate monitor.

The Sole SB700 indoor cycling bike is designed for intense, high-energy workouts that simulate outdoor cycling. This model boasts a 48-pound chrome flywheel, which delivers a smooth and consistent riding experience. The Sole SB700 features adjustable resistance, making it suitable for all fitness levels, and a heavy-duty steel frame that ensures durability and stability. The backlit LCD console tracks important workout metrics such as time, speed, distance, and calories burned, while the integrated wireless heart rate monitor helps users stay in their target heart rate zone. With its customizable seat and handlebars, the Sole SB700 provides a comfortable and tailored fit for each user.


Exercise bikes are highly effective for weight loss. They provide a low-impact cardio workout that targets large muscle groups, burns calories, and helps improve overall fitness. Exercise bikes workouts increase calorie burn by engaging the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, and calf muscles. Depending on the workout intensity, individuals can burn between 200 and 600 calories. Increasing your calorie burn leads to more weight loss.

Exercise bikes offer various resistance levels and workout programmes that can be customised to suit individual fitness levels and goals. Interval training workouts are particularly effective for weight loss because they combine short bursts of intense activity with periods of recovery. Exercise bikes also allow users to exercise frequently without placing unnecessary strain on their joints, which is necessary for long-term weight control.


Exercise bikes can provide a reasonably accurate estimate of calories burned during a workout, particularly when compared to other fitness equipment that may not offer any tracking features. Many exercise bikes allow users to input their personal information, such as age, weight, and gender. This helps the bike’s algorithm tailor the calorie burn estimate to the individual, making it more accurate than a generic calculation. Exercise bikes offer a controlled environment for workouts, making it easier to compare the calorie burn across different sessions. Variables such as speed, resistance, and duration can be easily adjusted, which helps users consistently monitor their progress and make informed decisions about their workout intensity. Additionally, many higher-end exercise bikes come with advanced sensors and sophisticated algorithms that provide more accurate calorie burn estimates. These models may also integrate with a heart rate monitor, which can further improve the accuracy of calorie expenditure by accounting for individual effort and intensity.


The ideal duration for an exercise bike workout depends on your fitness level, goals, and available time. In general, 75 minutes of severe aerobic activity or 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise each week are advised. Aim for 30-45 minutes of moderately intense exercise on an exercise bike five days a week. Alternately, try scheduling sessions for 20 to 30 minutes of HIIT on a stationary bike, three to five days a week. Beginners can begin with shorter workouts of 10 to 15 minutes and progressively extend them as their fitness level improves. Additionally, to preserve flexibility and prevent injury, always warm up before working out and cool down afterwards with at least 5-10 minutes of stretching.